Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Ventures and Old Friends

My friend, Nigel, is about to embark on a new venture. He's designing and hand crafting chairs, and they are gorgeous! Let me tell you a little bit about Nigel. I met Nige, and his beautiful wife, then girlfriend Aly, while volunteering in Peru. They are from New Zealand. The three of us were assigned to work in a boy's orphanage and we became fast friends. The kids loved them. Nigel and Aly stayed for many weeks in Peru volunteering and then returned to working as crew members on boats for many years. Nigel is no stranger to woodworking, just new to selling his work around the world. Check out his facebook page:


1 comment:

  1. wow! these are gorgeous. and i love learning a little about the man behind the art:)
